Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Nachos and Snow...what more could I ask for?

Bonjour my dear e-friends!

All is well in Neuchatel. I must rescind any former suggestion that there would be the possibility of starving in Switzerland. I am invited to dine with others far too often and their cuisine is far too good to resist, resulting in gluttony I fear.

(WARNING: if you are my vegetarian sister, you may not want to read this paragraph) Tonight I tasted horse. Yes, I said horse. But I'll have you know it was only a very little taste. The thought of it makes me gag, but I'm told it's very tasty. The little bit I had was indeed good, although not good enough to override my cultural sensitivities.

So any, I mean fears...that I would return to the States as a gaunt European have been dashed and now it's back to the American way of struggling to make sure I exercise enough so as to eat what I want to without putting on too many pounds. Sigh.

The pictures below are of a recent snow storm and of the nacho feast I prepared for my fellow Wycliffe members. Marian and Nathan had never eaten nachos before! Can you imagine such, deprivation? I was extremely pleased with how they turned out, considering Mexican ingredients are a little hard to come by in Switzerland. Regarding the snow storm, it was very day I'm taking a walk in the sunshine wearing a t-shirt, and the next thing I know it's winter again. In some places in the vicinity they actually had 60cm of snow piled up! (Yeah, I have no clue either how much 60cm is. Ach, that silly metric system!)

I'm happy to report that I have not cried yet this week :o) Actually, I kind of like having hard times because of the great times I get to have with God on account of them. But it's probably best to give the people around me a little reprieve from my moodyness :o)

OK, that's all for now. God bless you!

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