Friday, April 08, 2005

First Week

I have finished my first week of classes! I enjoy the teachers and my fellow students and the subject matter, so I generally like going to school. But sometimes I also find myself gazing out the window at the beautiful lake, just trying to give my brain a little repose from the constant strain of speaking and listening to another language.

Besides school, I have kept fairly busy with social engagements, thanks to my fellow Wycliffe members' connections. Just about everyday we have someone to eat with or something to do together. This is good because left to myself at the house I have a hard time forcing myself to study, and going to a French-speaking person's house for a meal can be more rigorous learning even than class.

The first few days I was here it was almost too hot sitting in the sun. But the last couple of days have been rather blustery and drizzly and downright cold. The clouds do not permit me to see the Alps, which is probably nice for my new friends since they don't have to hear me burst into song ("The hills are alive. La, la, la, la!) every time I catch a glimpse of the mountains.

Verse of the week: Proverbs 17:22 « La bonne humeur favorise la guĂ©rison, mais la tristesse fait perdre toute vitalitĂ©. » "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."


Wayne Leman said...
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Wayne Leman said...

You have a lovely blog, Jessica. I clicked on the "Bible translation" interest link in my own blog profile and found your blog. My wife and I are in the same organization as you are. I invite you to my new blog: Better Bibles Blog