Some Cultural Curiosities in Switzerland:
-The Swiss are known for being clean. But sometimes the need for clean is laughable to us outsiders. For instance, they clean the street WITH WATER. Apparently sweeping the street is not enough. Not only that, but I've heard that after there is a strike, the demonstrators pick up after themselves and wash the road! Also, they think it necessary to WASH THEIR COWS!! And if you question a Swiss person about this they look at you in wonder and say "Oui! Bien sur...they are dirty, why wouldn't you wash them?"
-We have a coo-coo clock in our house :o) That's to be expected in Switzerland I suppose, but the fun part is that the people have adopted "Coo-coo" as a greeting! Instead of "bonjour" you can say to your friends "Coo-coo!"
-I went to McDonalds the other day. I NEVER eat at McDonalds at home, but somehow it really sounded good here. After gagging several times over the prices, I was able to gain enough composure to order my food. After I ordered I looked around for some ketchup and didn't see any, so I asked the worker if I could have some. She said yes and proceded to ring me up again! You have to pay for your ketchup at McDonalds!
-There are many Christians here and almost everyone I hang out with are Christians, so it is customary to pray before we eat, but oftentimes the Swiss sing a little song instead of praying! I like it.
-It is actually difficult here to find lined paper. Lined paper is rather normal where I come from. But in Switzerland one uses GRID PAPER. Remember that paper you had to use once in awhile for math class in 8th grade? Yeah, that's the stuff they write on everyday! Apparently it's very practical. I mean, who knows when you may be writing something and spontaneously decide to do a little math problem or design a floorplan? Let me tell you, the Swiss are ready with their grid paper for whatever the situation calls for.
-When I go about choosing an outfit for the day it is essential to recall what I've worn recently and make sure I don't wear the same things too often. This isn't hard, it's just normal to try to diversify my wardrobe. But come to find out, in Switzerland no one is so shackled. They've been freed by the fashion powers that be, to wear the EXACT same outfit, accessories and all, EVERY DAY FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK. This phenomenon is still under investigation. I have not yet uncovered the rationale behind it. Is it, for instance, due to the fact that most people don't have their own washing machines and must pay to wash their clothes? Or perhaps it's not economic, but is due to a biological difference where Swiss people do not actually have BO and find it unnecessary to wash their clothes at all? This theory is easily disprovable, however, with one whiff of the suffocating air in the little church on Sunday mornings. Maybe it's a psychological reason stemming from the extreme efficiency of the Swiss, who wear the same outfit simply because it makes sense to only take the time to pick one out once a week.
Stay tuned for more cultural observations coming soon to a blog near you...