Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Monkey B comes for a visit

Yesterday I went to visit Monkey Business and informed the store keeper that I'd like to take him home on Saturday since it's my birthday. As I was playing with him, the guy was like "Why don't you just take him now?" Sucker for cute animals that I am, I did take him home with me, but only for an hourlong visit during which he got stuck behind the oven, got acquainted with the dog, and fell asleep on my lap.

Yes, I know I have the most ridiculously cute kitten ever. I was surprised and happy that, scared though he was, he drank some milk out of a saucer. Classic.


johne nomad said...

Excellent :). Happy birthday!!

Aaron Stewart said...

I was coming here for the specific purpose of bugging you about not blogging enough. :)

Anonymous said...

Look at those ears!!! Cute!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a fabulous birthday with Monkey Business - he's adorable!

Jeffrey G. Winters said...

Hey Jessica it is good to catch up on your life in Brazza. I have a blog now. I will send you an email.