Thursday, December 07, 2006

This is not a joke

Oh my gosh, I am barely able to type this, I'm so excited! This is absolutely hilarious, my blogging friends. Oh man, this is good. OK, so there's this site with all these weird Congo t-shirts. Things like "I'd rather be in Congo" and "Happiness is being in Brazzaville." You can even get thong underwear with the Congolese flag on them! But this logo about made me wet my pants:

Can we say xmas presents anyone? :o) They mix in the Democratic Republic of Congo ones, though, so be careful of that.

Here's the link to the site (the rockstar shirt and some other good ones are on page 3). Search for your favorite country and I'm sure you'll find some gems:

OK, friends, I hope you are laughing as hard as I am right now. Phew, that was a good one.


Linguistica said...

PS: I'm still laughing!! Oh man. This is just too funny.

Anonymous said...

How amazing is that to find a t-shirt so perfect for your rock-star-in-congo lifestyle?!
I want to get the Thai t-shirt that says "We don't all look the same!"
In the same way that we think that all Asians look the same, Asians think that all farangs (westerners) look the same. Hard to believe that they don't notice red hair vs. black hair, or blue eyes vs. brown eyes. But they find it hard to believe that we don't notice differences in the shape/size of their noses, ears, necks, etc. Anyway, I love t-shirts with random yet meaningful messages. Reminds me of the t-shirt my mom gave me in high school: "Pro-vegetable".

Anonymous said...

Man, out of all of those countries Uganda and Sudan weren't listed once! I'm terribly dissapointed now... Or maybe I'll just have to design my OWN Uganda and Southern Sudan stuff!