In case any of you are confused by new buzz words like “emergent” and “relevant” and “post-modern” and “missional” that are being thrown around church today, I thought I would give you a little summary and post some links to cool sites you can check out. I am definitely NOT an expert on this subject, but I enjoy it and I appreciate many aspects of this movement. I’m sure I’m missing a ton of stuff that could be here, but feel free to comment away if you’ve got other ideas. Here are some of the basics as I see them…
Emergent Christians like:
Contemplative prayer: Some people are discovering that the way Christians used to seek God is still good for today.
Social activism: Christians should be the ones championing causes for the poor and the environment.
David Crowder Band: Great music, don’t know why he’s specifically such a favorite.
Candles: Maybe the Orthodox Church was on to something with that whole engage all the senses during a service thing.
Helping the poor: Jesus was serious about this. We should be too.
Podcasts: Where would the EC be without blogs and podcasts? It’s built upon the backs of this tech savvy generation.
Social justice: No Christian should observe injustice and do nothing.
Ancient Christian writings: Did you know that Christians wrote a lot of good stuff before Yancy and Maxwell or even Lewis were around?
Art: Art has refound its place among expressions of worship. Contemplating and creating beauty transports us into God’s presence or expresses our prayers.
U2: Bono is a hero. Plus they make good music.
Discussion: Everybody has something to share. Nobody likes being preached at all the time
Blue Like Jazz: A really popular book by Donald Miller (who lives in Oregon!!)
Meaningful symbolism: The cross is very relevant, let’s not down play it to clean up Christianity any more.
Powell’s Bookstore: Who doesn’t love Powell’s?
Emergent Christians do not like:
The war in IraqTBNPewsCultural ChristianityMajor sites to check out (If you haven’t heard of these sites already, you either a) don’t have any Christian friends, b) don’t spend any time on the Internet, or c) are old. Just kidding. Sort of. It’s just that I run across these sites continually)
www.BurnsideWritersCollective.comwww.EmergentVillage.comwww.RelevantMagazine.comHere are some Emergent Churches (note that all are in the Pacific NW. It’s kind of like the Emergent Mecca)
www.MarsHillChurch.orgwww.ImagoDeiCommunity.com Some bloggers of this genre (some of these are well known, others are personal friends, others I just found while researching this post):
www.thelongbreak.comwww.theoblogy.blogspot.com other stuff:
Amazon recommended books on the EC think there’s a lot of good things about the Emergent Church, but of course every movement has its pitfalls too. In any case, it is undeniable that it plays a big role in what God is doing in the US these days.