Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Urgent: cheap digital cameras needed

Hi! Yes, I'm due for a real blog post, but first I have a question...

Anybody out there got a used digital camera to sell? I'm looking for 2 cameras at about $40 each to purchase on behalf of 2 Congolese colleagues. Let me know asap if you do 'cause I leave in just 2 weeks!



erin said...

I've got one I'm trying to unload on Craig's list right now. Drop me a line at ecgleaso (at) yahoo.

johne nomad said...

If you don't find them via your blog or church, I highly recommend Ebay. Just filled out a bunch of claim forms for hard-to-find books I bought for our survey team on Ebay's half.com. I've purchased my camera, laptops, batteries, Ipods, DVDs, books galore, etc, on Ebay & have overall been very pleased. Just be careful whom you're buying from & it should be OK...

(and, yes, I'm on commission ;-)

Anonymous said...

I bought my taxi on Ebay! It's very nice.

Anonymous said...

It was great to see you today! I'll be praying for you as you get ready, travel and transition back.

I also linked to you off my site...

Linguistica said...

Just to let everyone know, I got 2 cameras!! Yay! Thanks for your help.

johne nomad said...

Glad to hear it! Where did you find them?