Saturday, September 24, 2005

On my way to the airport pulled off to follow a sign to a beach. Turned out to be the prettiest place we'd been to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica:
Sheer accident brought me to your blog. I must say it was one of the most engaging and relaxing blog I ever came across. Your divine thoughts exude "peace" and serenity. Yourphotos were just great. I was all the more happy to read your words about Thailand. I live there in Bangkok. I do travel outside Bangkok. But reading your views were enjoyable. We all love Thailand. It is the people-their gentle peaceloving nature that attracts us the most.
Will continue to visit your blog
and follow your trail of thoughts.
I have a young friend living in Marnaz in France, which is near the Swiss border. All my family love her. She is now living with her adopted parents in Marnaz. If you plan to visit that part of France do let me know.
My little friend is a Thai girl aged 6 an angel in her own right.
They say angels do not have father or mother-she is one such an orphan. I met her in orphanage in Bangkok. I will send her photos later.
May God be always with you and bless you with all his Grace. Good day. Sathya- email id: