Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Video about Bible Translation in Cameroon

My dear friend Nathan from Ireland recently led a trip to Cameroon and here's the video he put together about their trip. It's a good reminder about the power of learning to read and receiving God's Word in one's own language.

I also like the part about how the people became aware of how special they are when this team came so far just to see them. I always hope that just my simple presence here in Congo might testify to someone of God's love for them. In fact, on my recent trip up north quite a number of pastors told us that it's absolutely essential for the believers there to travel so they understand that the message of the Gospel is universal and not something someone there just made up. A young man testified in one church service: "Doesn't it mean something to you that these people came here on account of the Word of God? It must be true if it could motivate someone to come so far!"

1 comment:

Nathan FC said...

Man, that video was super. I learnt alot about Bible Translation and Literacy in Cameroon so I did. And Jessica's blog's da bomb! Woop Woop!