Friday, November 24, 2006

It's rough being a rockstar

I'm gearing up for my concert tomorrow night! Please pray that I won't be sick! I'm all snuffly and tired :o(

We had our last rehearsal last night. It was in a recording studio where we're renting our instruments and microphones and everything from. I had an identity crisis. It's already weird enough to live in Africa and to be the only white person in this group and to sit there while they speak languages I don't understand and to be wearing African clothes. But then you add the element of being a singer in a music group rehearsing with microphones in a studio and it gets to be too weird! I'm like "Who am I?" "How did I get here?!!" It was a blast, but at the same time it felt kind of lonely. It's just such an obscure part of me, yet it's the only part of me those people know. Living overseas definitely puts you in positions you never imagined yourself in and brings out sides of you nobody knew existed.

OK, I'm going to go lay down for my second 2 hour nap today and try to sleep off this cold!


johne nomad said...

"in positions you never imagined yourself in and brings out sides of you nobody knew existed" :) Yes, I understand the feeling! I remember leading (at the top of my lungs) literally hundreds of raucous teenage boys in cheers for their team at the state football (soccer) championship in north India in 2000. The real kicker was that I had a black & white necktie wrapped around my head, & their school name (& stripes) painted on my face! Definitely NOT what I'd expected when I went there for language study :).

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you this Thanksgiving day. I am thankful for you and the ways you are continually teaching me through your words and time overseas!

Many blessings to you rockstar! I always saw it in you!

Linguistica said...

Thanks for the commments, my friends!

John, the funny thing is, I can totally picture it.

Watch for more rockstar updates coming to a blog near you.

Aaron Stewart said...

Get better, we expect a full report.